After only 9 months of BFR Training with PowerCuffs®!
After years of being beaten up in the wrestling ring, multiple injuries, and age, Scotty's body was breaking down. He began training with PowerCuffs®, which allowed him to work around his injuries and train with much lower weights. In just 9 months he completely transformed his body, and regained the muscle and strength he had lost over the years. At 57, Scotty is proof that Blood Flow Restriction Training (BFRT) can be an incredible training tool, especially for those who cannot train with heavy weights.


As a beat-up former athlete PowerCuffs® allowed me to train with lighter weights and still build muscle. I'm blown away at the results I achieved in less than a year!

MUSCLE GROWTH - PowerCuffs® trigger the production of growth hormone and IGF-1, which help to promote muscle growth (hypertrophy) and strength.
Start Using PowerCuffs®

LESS WEIGHT - PowerCuffs® allow you to get the same or better results from your workout without heavy weights, helping your joints stay healthy and strong.
BETTER VO2 MAX - Wearing PowerCuffs® for 20 minutes during normal activity and/or cardio exercise will accelerate improvements in VO2 Max.
Get PowerCuffs® Now!
Watch Scotty's Incredible Story