You should finish a BFRT (Blood Flow Restriction Training) circuit using PowerCuffs® in approximately 35/40 minutes. It’s your technique that will make the difference in the time.
To get the best BFRT effect, you want to try to only have a 30 seconds rest in between each set, and 60 seconds in between each series. That said, I always make sure, I know what my six different exercises are going to be before I start. This way I don’t waste time.
You can substitute exercises according to what you have in the = gym, home, hotel etc. In my personal home gym, I mainly use dumbbells and cable pulley systems because of limited equipment. Bands will also give you a hell of a workout if you’re using PowerCuffs® with BFRT. As always “make it your own”! 💎

Before every Series you’ll turn the dial clockwise to occlude the blood flow. If you feel any numbness in your hands or fingers, loosen up the cuffs.
A Series will last 10 to 13 minutes, depending on your technique. When you finish the Series, you will Pop the PowerCuffs® dial to restore blood flow.
This is my personal 12 Week PowerCuffs® Program. I’ve incorporated alternating body parts, to rest the muscle as much as possible in between sets.
Here is what I am doing now. I alternate different body part splits every three weeks. I also included two examples of how I incorporate “Supersets" in my own PowerCuffs® workouts. 💎 You can incorporate these supersets into any body part split.
Monday Chest & Back
Tuesday DDPY
Wednesday Biceps & Triceps
Thursday DDPY
Friday Shoulder & Legs
Saturday DDPY
Monday Chest & Biceps
Tuesday DDPY
Wednesday Back & Triceps
Thursday DDPY
Friday Shoulder & Legs
Saturday DDPY or Biceps & Triceps *Optional
Monday Back & Triceps
Tuesday DDPY
Wednesday Chest & Biceps
Thursday DDPY
Friday Shoulder & Legs
Saturday DDPY or Biceps & Triceps *Optional
Example #1: Chest &Back
PowerCuffs first Series
PowerCuffs: POWER UP💥
Flat Dumbbell Press
35 lbs x 30 reps
30 seconds break
Wide Grip Pull Downs
75 lbs x 30 reps
30 seconds break
Flat Dumbbell Press
35 lbs x 15 to 20 reps
30 seconds break
Wide Grip Pull Downs
75 lbs x 15 to 20 reps
30 seconds break
Flat Dumbbell Press
35 lbs x 15 to 20 reps
30 seconds break
Wide Grip Pull Downs
75 lbs x 15 to 20 reps
30 seconds break
Flat Dumbbell Press
35 lbs x 15 to 20 reps
30 seconds break
Wide Grip Pull Downs
75 lbs x 15 to 20 reps
30 seconds break;
Finish Series: Pop PowerCuffs
Take 60 second break between series.
PowerCuffs second Series
PowerCuffs: POWER UP💥
Incline Dumbbell Press
30 lbs x 30 reps
30 seconds break
Seated Rows
50 lbs x 30 reps
30 seconds break
Incline Dumbbell Press
30 lbs x 15 to 20 reps
30 seconds break
Seated Rows
50 lbs x 15 to 20 reps
30 seconds break
Incline Dumbbell Press
30 lbs x 15 to 20 reps
30 seconds break
Seated Rows
50 lbs x 15 to 20 reps
30 seconds break
Incline Dumbbell Press
30 lbs x 15 to 20 reps
30 seconds break
Seated Rows
50 lbs x 15 to 20 reps
30 seconds break
Finish Series: Pop PowerCuffs
Take 60 second break between series.
PowerCuffs third Series
PowerCuffs: POWER UP💥
Incline Flyes
35 lbs x 30 reps
30 seconds break
Reverse Grip Pull Downs
65 lbs x 30 reps
30 seconds break
Incline Flyes
35 lbs x 15 to 20 reps
30 seconds break
Reverse Grip Pull Downs
75 lbs x 15 to 20 reps
30 seconds break
Incline Flyes
35 lbs x 15 to 20 reps
30 seconds break
Reverse Grip Pull Downs
75 lbs x 15 to 20 reps
30 seconds break
Incline Flyes
35 lbs x 15 to 20 reps
30 seconds break
Reverse Grip Pull Downs
75 lbs x 15 to 20 reps
30 seconds break
Finish Series: Pop PowerCuffs
Get on the mat for some DDPY 💎
Example #2: Biceps &Triceps
PowerCuffs Superset 1
PowerCuffs: POWER UP💥
Seated Dumbbell Curls - 15 lbs x 30 reps - 30 second break
Cable Push Down - 50 lbs x 30 reps - 30 second break
Seated Dumbbell Curls - 15 lbs x 15 to 20 reps - 30 second break
Cable Push Down - 50 lbs x 15 to 20 reps - 30 second break;
REPEAT 15 to 20 reps
Superset 2 more times
Finish Series: POP PowerCuffs
Take 60 second break between series.
PowerCuffs Superset 2
PowerCuffs: POWER UP💥
Barbell Curls - 30 lbs x 30 reps - 30 second break
Cable Overhead Extension - 35 lbs x 15 to 20 reps - 30 second break
Barbell Curls - 30 lbs x 15 to 20 reps - 30 second break
Cable Overhead Extension - 35 lbs x 15 to 20 reps - 30 seconds break;
REPEAT 15 to 20 reps
Superset 2 more times
Finish Series: POP PowerCuffs
Take 60 second break between series.
PowerCuffs Superset 3
PowerCuffs: POWER UP💥
Hammer Curls - 15 lbs x 30 reps - 30 second break
Triceps Kickbacks - 10 lbs x 30 reps - 30 second break
Hammer Curls - 15 lbs x 15 to 20 reps - 30 second break
Triceps Kickbacks - 10 lbs x 15 to 20 reps - 30 seconds break;
REPEAT 15 to 20 reps
Superset 2 more times
Finish Series: POP PowerCuffs
Cool Down with a 💎 DDPY Stretch
You can also focus on one body part.
Examples Below
- PowerCuffs: POWER UP💥
- Flat Dumbell Press - 35lbs - 30/15/15/15, 30-second break between sets
- Finish Series: Pop PowerCuffs
- Take 60 seconds between series
- PowerCuffs: POWER UP💥
- Wide Grip Pull Downs - 75lbs - 30/15/15/15, 30-second break between sets
- Finish Series: Pop PowerCuffs
- PowerCuffs: POWER UP💥
- Dumbbell Flys - 35lbs - 30/15/15/15, 30-second break between sets
- Finish Series: Pop PowerCuffs
- PowerCuffs: POWER UP💥
- Seated Rows - 50lbs - 30/15/15/15, 30-second break between sets
- Finish Series: Pop PowerCuffs
- PowerCuffs: POWER UP💥
- Incline Flys - 35lbs - 30/15/15/15, 30-second break between sets
- Finish Series: Pop PowerCuffs
- PowerCuffs: POWER UP💥
- Reverse Grip Pull Downs - 65lbs - 30/15/15/15, 30-second break between sets
- Finish Series: Pop PowerCuffs
Do a full DDPY workout using PowerCuffs. No weights.
PowerCuffs: POWER UP💥
Seated Dumbbell Curls - 15 lbs - 30/15/15/15
30 seconds break between sets
Finish Series: Pop PowerCuffs
PowerCuffs: POWER UP💥
Cable Push Down - 50 lbs - 30/15/15/15
30 seconds break between sets
Finish Series: Pop PowerCuffs
PowerCuffs: POWER UP💥
Barbell Curls - 30 lbs - 30/15/15/15
30 seconds break between sets
Finish Series: Pop PowerCuffs
PowerCuffs: POWER UP💥
Cable Overhead Extension - 35 lbs - 30/15/15/15
30 seconds break between sets
Finish Series: Pop PowerCuffs
PowerCuffs: POWER UP💥
Hammer Curls - 15 lbs - 30/15/15/15
30 seconds break between sets
Finish Series: Pop PowerCuffs
PowerCuffs: POWER UP💥
Triceps Kickbacks - 10 lbs - 30/15/15/15
30 seconds break between sets
Finish Series: Pop PowerCuffs
Do a full DDPY workout using PowerCuffs. No weights.
PowerCuffs: POWER UP💥
Standing Laterals - 10 lbs - 30/15/15/15
30 seconds break between sets
Finish Series: Pop PowerCuffs
PowerCuffs: POWER UP💥
Catcher Squats: Toes & Knees Out, Body Weight - 30/15/15/15
30 seconds break between sets
Finish Series: Pop PowerCuffs
PowerCuffs: POWER UP💥
Front Raises - 10 lbs - 30/15/15/15
30 seconds break between sets
Finish Series: Pop PowerCuffs
PowerCuffs: POWER UP💥
Squats: Legs Together, Lift Heals, Body Weight - 30/15/15/15
30 seconds break between sets
Finish Series: Pop PowerCuffs
PowerCuffs: POWER UP💥
Seated Rear Laterals: Fold Forward - 5 lbs - 30/15/15/15
30 seconds break between sets
Finish Series: Pop PowerCuffs
PowerCuffs: POWER UP💥
Sumo Squats: Wide Based, Toes Out, Body Weight - 30/15/15/15
30 seconds break between sets
Finish Series: Pop PowerCuffs
Do a full DDPY workout using PowerCuffs. No weights.
SUNDAY - Take a Day Off! You Earned It!